The Generous FishIllustrated by Frances Tyrrell

The Generous Fish

Inspired by Jewish folklore, The Generous Fish is the story of a young boy named Reuven who takes a verse from scripture to “cast your bread upon the waters” (Ecclesiastes 11:1) quite literally. The result of his daily act is a giant talking fish with golden scales! Boy and fish spend idyllic days together until the villagers realize those scales are real gold. Every villager has good reason to ask for one. Devorah needs clothes for her children. Old Joseph needs money for a cane. The fish says he has plenty to share. But he grows weak from giving away too much, too fast. Can Reuven stand up to the village and save his friend?

Through a unique friendship between a boy and a magic fish, award-winning author Jacqueline Jules has created an environmental fable sure to generate discussion in the classroom and at home. What happens when we want something that depletes another's resources? Frances Tyrrell's finely detailed illustrations delightfully capture a child's innocent love for the natural world. An author's note provides biblical sources on human interaction with the environment. See The Generous Fish Discussion Guide.

Winner of Silver Awards in the Children's Picture Book category and the Design-Illustration category of the 31st Annual Midwest Book Awards


"A well-told story with enough pathos to deliver its underlying message of environmental stewardship." -- Kirkus Reviews, October 27, 2019.

"The book delivers its messages --  the duty to care for one another and for the environment -- with gentleness and without judgement. Lovely illustrations echo the golden sparkle of the fish and the magical spell that nature casts throughout this story." -- Jewish Book Council, February 24, 2020.

"This story's themes of generosity, friendship, and environmental stewardship are relevant throughout the year." -- Chana Stiefel, Jewish Standard, March 2020.

“… Inspired by Jewish folktales, The Generous Fish is a children's picturebook story about a talking fish with golden scales who befriends a young boy. Seemingly everyone in the boy's village needs the fish's golden scales for something - but doesn't the fish need its scales too? Can he protect his fishy friend from the village before its last scale is taken? A heartwarming parable, The Generous Fish is highly recommended especially for school and public library picturebook collections.” -- Children’s Bookwatch, a review publication of Midwest Book Review, February 2020.

"The message here – not to take too much from nature – is a welcome alternative to The Giving Tree. And it’s great to see this message presented to a general audience in the context of Jewish values." -- The Sydney Taylor Schmooze, April 30, 2020.

"The Generous Fish will inspire young readers to care for each other as well as the environment." -- Green Teacher, Spring 2020.

The Generous Fish named by Jewish Journal one of the Twenty Best 2020 (Non-Holiday) Jewish Books for Kids.

"The Generous Fish has the feel of a classic Jewish folktale, inviting readers to ponder its ideas and enjoy it again and again." -- Karin Fisher-Golton, Still in Awe Blog, January 29, 2021.

"A lovely book and one I can easily recommend." -- Chat With Vera, April 20, 2021.



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